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Number of records found: 2217
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  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 50156 53310. Parish: Llandwrog, Caernarfonshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 47323 54681. Parish: Llandwrog, Caernarfonshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 46882 56099. Parish: Llandwrog, Caernarfonshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 93560 46831. Parish: Llangwm, Denbighshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 92910 44224. Parish: Llangwm, Denbighshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 53698 59080. Parish: Waunfawr, Caernarfonshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 49178 60647. Parish: Waunfawr, Caernarfonshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 92170 43841. Parish: Llanfor, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 90462 42826. Parish: Llanfor, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 97668 42162. Parish: Llanfor, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
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