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Number of records found: 57
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  • (Topographic feature).
    Grid Reference: SN 72058 15638. Parish: Quarter Bach, Carmarthenshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SH 69992 25567. Parish: Llanddwywe-uwch-y-graig, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SN 87269 07313. Parish: Neath Higher, Glamorgan
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SH 83901 28063. Parish: Llanuwchllyn, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SN 95096 98629. Parish: Carno, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SO 14700 04640. Parish: New Tredegar, Monmouthshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SN 55505 15925. Parish: Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SN 44458 30668. Parish: Llanllawddog, Carmarthenshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: ST 15762 99832. Parish: New Tredegar, Monmouthshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SN 44843 42546. Parish: Llandysul, Cardiganshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
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  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SN 95212 98587. Parish: Carno, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: none. Source: none.

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