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Number of records found: 129
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  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SN 61494 65416. Parish: Blaenpennal, Cardiganshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SO 16219 56569. Parish: Llanfihangel-Nant-Melan, Radnorshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SO 16383 55014. Parish: Colva, Radnorshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Topographic feature).
    Grid Reference: SH 91216 13678. Parish: Mallwyd, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 2024. Primary Source: Dilyn Dyfi. Secondary Source: none
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 03663 48274. Parish: Bettws Gwerfil Goch, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 03648 48111. Parish: Bettws Gwerfil Goch, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 01880 47698. Parish: Bettws Gwerfil Goch, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SJ 03476 48128. Parish: Bettws Gwerfil Goch, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1699. Primary Source: Parochialia 2. Secondary Source: none
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 05052 45289. Parish: Corwen, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 90645 42738. Parish: Llanfor, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
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