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Number of records found: 2730
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  • (Topographic feature).
    Grid Reference: SN 72397 99385. Parish: Pennal, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 2024. Primary Source: Dilyn Dyfi. Secondary Source: none
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 11029 17722. Parish: Llanfihangel-yng-Ngwynfa, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 90752 21127. Parish: Llanymawddwy, Merionethshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 02576 03323. Parish: Llanfair Caereinion, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 08509 03589. Parish: Manafon, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 07200 02245. Parish: Llanwyddelan, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 00572 04246. Parish: Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 02597 00708. Parish: Llanllugan, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 00472 04751. Parish: Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 04463 01515. Parish: Llanllugan, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
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