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Number of records found: 8978 (Note: the map is limited to 8000 records)
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  • (Topographic feature).
    Grid Reference: SN 10315 32581. Parish: Nevern, Pembrokeshire
    When recorded: 1331. Primary Source: Monasticon Anglicanum. Secondary Source: Place-Names of Pembrokeshire
  • (Unclassified). Variant of head-name Llanafan Fawr / Llanafan Fawr
    Grid Reference: SN 96900 55700. Parish: Llanafan Fawr, Brecknockshire
    When recorded: c.1200. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: BreRM
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 87678 61431. Parish: Gwytherin, Denbighshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SJ 25168 21795. Parish: ,
    When recorded: c.1435-c.1490. Primary Source: Mynegai. Secondary Source: none
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SJ 25168 21795. Parish: ,
    When recorded: c.1400-1465/80. Primary Source: Mynegai. Secondary Source: none
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SJ 25168 21795. Parish: ,
    When recorded: 1520au-1530au. Primary Source: Mynegai. Secondary Source: none
  • (Settlement).
    Grid Reference: SJ 25166 21810. Parish: ,
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SJ 12416 72697. Parish: Caerwys, Flintshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Field).
    Grid Reference: SH 97314 78940. Parish: Abergele Urban, Denbighshire
    When recorded: 1841. Primary Source: none. Secondary Source: Cynefin
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SN 71901 90761. Parish: Ceulan-a-Maesmor, Cardiganshire
    When recorded: 1898-1908. Primary Source: OS 2nd Edition Maps. Secondary Source: GB1900 website
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  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 27808 07176. Parish: Trelystan, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: none. Source: none.
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SO 33200 71700. Parish: Stanage, Radnorshire
    When recorded: . Source: OS25k.
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 31837 52363. Parish: , Denbighshire
    When recorded: none. Source: none.
  • (Unclassified).
    Grid Reference: SJ 26300 03900. Parish: Trelystan, Montgomeryshire
    When recorded: . Source: OS25k.

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